Saffie is Ruby's first born. Ruby's first litter are approaching ten months old and Saffie has come for a fortnights holiday while her owners are away in search of some sun! Saffie is a great little character and loves a cuddle! She was the first puppy born here and was the smallest in the litter of six. She is cream and white and has a wonderfully soft curly/wavy coat. She is great out on a walk and is never more than a few feet away, she loves playing and has a certain obsession with carrying shoes or slippers around the house! She is very careful when carrying them and never chews them, just simply hides them in her bed! Her owners are doing a wonderful job with her and she is incredibly sociable and affectionate. Here she is enjoying a great walk on the beach at sunset.
Ruby and Daisy are both doing really well and have been enjoying a lot of group walks with our Aussie doodle friends. I hope to be able to bring some good news soon regarding our next litters so keep checking back for further updates.