If you would like more information on what puppies are available, please contact me. The puppies will be available to leave for their new homes from 15th August.
James :0)
I am delighted to announce we have three puppies looking for their new homes. Our lists usually consist of five names to avoid any potential disappointment so with Daisy surprising us with eight puppies we are now in a position to be able to offer the remaining three puppies following on from our puppy selection last weekend.
If you would like more information on what puppies are available, please contact me. The puppies will be available to leave for their new homes from 15th August. James :0)
The puppies are five weeks old and time is flying! They are all enjoying playing in the garden and have been out in the car! The weaning is going really well and they are eating three meals a day as well as feeding from Daisy. Daisy is forever playing with her puppies and is still as attentive as ever. The puppies are interacting with one another, playing growling and barking. They are also interacting with Daisy and have realised she is more than just the milk bar! Here is a video of them exploring the garden. :0) The puppies have really grown this week. Weaning has started and they are really enjoying their food. They are eating three times a day and still feeding from Daisy, who is happy to let them for the time being. Although I am not sure for how long once their needle like teeth are through! I took my cue from Daisy to start weaning as she had obviously decided they were ready and had began regurgitating her food for the pups to eat! To stop her loosing condition she now has to stay away from the pups for a short while after she has had her own dinner!
The pups are showing a great interest in all things new including toys and cardboard boxed and tubes! They are spending a lot of time out of the puppy pen exploring and have even ventured outside for a short while. Their coats have started to come in, and are all curling up nicely! Their individual personalities are coming through and they are all such characters! In the week ahead as the puppies grow in strength and confidence they will spend more time exploring the garden and interacting with one another! PIctures to follow shortly :0) I am delighted to announce that Ruby has been confirmed pregnant. She is progressing welland we hope to welcome her puppies from 11th August onwards.
Keep checking back for further updates and Ruby's puppy diary :0) The heatwave is still in full swing and Daisy has decided to take the day off from looking after her puppies! Popping in and out only to provide the milk bar every now and then. The mercury keeps rising and even at night, there is no relief. Adults and children have taken to wearing as little as possible, and sticking their heads in the freezer. The dogs have taken to laying on their sides, spread eagle, mouths open, and panting.
Dogs of course, don't have the option of stripping off in the heat. They can't slip out of their fur coats, make themselves a cold drink, or take a freezing shower so its down to me to keep the girls cool and comfortable in this rather Mediterranean weather. Making sure that they always have access to cool, fresh water is key obviously. I have been changing the water in their numerous bowls dotted about the house and garden every few hours, for maximum coolness and freshness. They also thoroughly enjoyed their chicken and lamb mince earlier which I fed partially frozen as a sort of dog ice lolly. But the pièce de résistance was when the paddling pool came out. The girls sat eye balling me suspiciously as I puffed and panted, trying to blow it up! But later, as the pool gradually filled with chilled water their suspicion turned to delight as they jumped in and out, bobbing for their tennis balls. They are currently out for the count in the shade of the patio table, no doubt dreaming of a time when snowballs hung from their legs and the weather was more Siberian. Daisy's puppies are now three weeks old. They have come on in leaps and bounds in the last week... They are interacting with one a other much more, playing, growling and even the odd bark! They started lapping water today so they will start weaning over the weekend and will get their first taste of raw meat! They are literally growing in front of our eyes and Daisy seems extra tired this week sustaining their rapid growth, she is as content as ever and is gradually spending more time with the family and away from her babies. She has let Ruby meet them and is happy for Ruby to investigate. At little over two weeks the puppy pen was divided into half bed and half paper area and I am so pleased that the pups have already started leaving their bed to toilet on the paper... Although it may seem early starting house training this means pups should be nearly dry when they leave bar the odd accident.
Here are some pics of the pups out exploring! See videos of the puppies here at two and a half and three weeks old. :0) The puppies are just over 2 weeks old. They are developing nicely and are growing day by day. They all have their eyes open and have started moving around the whelping box at break neck speed! It is great to watch the puppies starting to interact with one another. At just a little over two weeks old the puppies have started mouthing and pawing each other, accompanied with little squeaks and growls. Their tails have also started to wag which is great to watch! We are continuing with our puppy socialisation program which includes further handling by adults and children alike and introducing new sounds, sights and textures. Daisy is still being a star; it can't be very pleasant feeding eight babies in this heat! They are like little hot water bottles pressed up against her! Here are a few pictures... enjoy :o)
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