Daisy's puppies are now three weeks old. They have come on in leaps and bounds in the last week... They are interacting with one a other much more, playing, growling and even the odd bark! They started lapping water today so they will start weaning over the weekend and will get their first taste of raw meat! They are literally growing in front of our eyes and Daisy seems extra tired this week sustaining their rapid growth, she is as content as ever and is gradually spending more time with the family and away from her babies. She has let Ruby meet them and is happy for Ruby to investigate. At little over two weeks the puppy pen was divided into half bed and half paper area and I am so pleased that the pups have already started leaving their bed to toilet on the paper... Although it may seem early starting house training this means pups should be nearly dry when they leave bar the odd accident.
Here are some pics of the pups out exploring!
See videos of the puppies here at two and a half and three weeks old. :0)
Here are some pics of the pups out exploring!
See videos of the puppies here at two and a half and three weeks old. :0)