The main reason I have chosen this diet for my dogs and in turn the puppies I raise is quite simple really. Feeding this way avoids grains, starches, additives, fillers and preservatives found in almost all commercial dog foods available today. I know exactly what my dogs are eating and can adapt their diet to suit there needs. Other benefits also include a reduced doggy odour and 'dog breath'. Naturally clean white teeth - no need for toothbrushes or de-scaling. Chewing raw meaty bones helps prevent gum disease leading to improved general health but, even more importantly, the dogs love it! Less is definately more with raw feeding. The food in its natural state is more concentrated for want of a better word. It does not include all the fillers of commercial pet food so less is needed to provide a balanced diet. This in turn can make feeding a raw diet more economical as well as the dogs producing firmer, smaller poos that are easy to pick up. Always a bonus! A great benefit to weaning our puppies onto a raw diet is that they develop at a more appropriate rate. Quick growth spurts are avoided. They also have lovely white teeth, bright shiney coats and great temprements. The additives in many foods often make puppies very hyper... the equivalent of feeding your baby fast food for every meal!
The base of my raw feeding is Natural Instinct. Natural Instinct is founded on the simple premise that dogs and cats deserve a healthy, biologically appropriate, balanced diet made from all-natural human grade ingredients with no cereal or fillers. They use only the very best DEFRA approved British meats and premium quality fruit and vegetables, ably supported by natural supplements such as spinach, sea kelp and Scottish salmon oil that combine to ensure a top-notch meal brimming with essential nutrients. Please visit their website to find loads of great information on raw feeding and how to get started.
I also substitute about 7 meals a weeks with raw meaty bones, tripe or fish. I feed lamb necks, lamb ribs and whole chicken carcusses or wings. I also feed occasional meals of sprats or mackerel. This all goes towards providing a healthy, natural and balanced diet for my dogs. You should never feed bones that have been cooked as they become brittle and can splinter. You should also avoid weight bearing leg bones. Swaping between meat minces and bone ensures teeth are kept clean and keeps the range of food interesting.
Raw feeding should not be daunting, it is an easy, economic way of feeding your dog the very best of natural foods. Using a complete raw food that has all the correct ratio of bone, meat and veg is the easiest way to feed your dog a raw diet allowing you to add a more 'DIY' approach as you become more confident on what is appropriate to feed your dog.